HS,QIN EN AND I'S GROUP WORK DISPLAYING SEQUENTIAL IMAGES The example above is sequential images displaying the sequence of motion as it shows Qin en, the girl in the picture, jumping. The aim of these sequential images taken is to show that when you jump, every part of your body moves; most times unconsciously.It also shows that everything has a process and that there are certain movements that are not intended. These pictures were taken with the iPhone x rear camera by HS. The pictures were obtained by using the SLO-MO feature on the iPhone camera. we took a video in SLO-MO. Then we screenshotted specific parts of the video that captured the idea we were trying to portray. Next, we cropped out the unwanted parts of the picture using the crop tool in the edit feature in the photos app on the iPhone. Lastly, we used pixlr website to turn the pictures into a collage and that is how we came about this. The purpose of this task is to show that everything has a process an...