For this post ,I am going to be discussing my writing class. In class we discussed idiolect .
In class my tutor explained Idiolect to be someones's unique way of speaking. she further stated Every one of us has his or her very own idiolect that differs from the way other people talk.
We took part in various activities in class where we had to say different word synonyms such as happy and we came up with synonyms like joyful, elated, content, thrilled, bubbly and ecstatic.
we also had to change specific words in sentences of other class mates and compare to see if the initiall meaning is the sae when changed.
From this class,my tutor pointed out that there are specific ways we write or speak and we sometimes apply it to our work even when it it not necessary. This made me compare my writing structure for y business plan project to my typical writing and speaking structure in all my other courses and this lesson was indeed relevant in my project development.
Although I was already aware that my project structure was formal, I came to understand that it is a similar structure to a report and my words should be very specific. Therefore in class when we awere asked to devlop out major project i tried as much as possible to use words that were clear and precise. this is the link:Writing 6:Idiolect
Good blogging of Specialists session - but how was it useful to your work - you seem to just state that your were clear and precise I think perhaps a little more here would have been useful.