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Writing 7: Draft Development (Feedback and Update)

For this post, I will be discussing the events of my writing class.
The deadline is drawing near and my tutor suggested that we dedicate most of the class for our major project development.
Hence for this post, i will be discussing all the previous writing class and the feedback i have gotten from my tutor.

WEEK 5: company description
In week 4 ,I showed my tutor my initial Idea and template that i will be using for my project but in week 5 began the actual work. Based on this template ,the structure of my project is as follows:

  •  Executive Summary 
  • Company Description 
  •  Products & Services 
  • Marketing Plan 
  • Operational Plan 
  • Management &Organization 
  • Financial Plan
  • Appendices
In week 5 ,I started off with the company description to show my tutor what the structure would be like check here.  Majority of The feed back i got from my tutor was on my punctuation and my spellings which i have stated my ties in the past is something i always forget to review. So we=ith her help i was able to correct them .Also , in the thrd section where i wrote my company goals she suggested that i put them in bullet points instead of unequal paragraph which i did and i liked the outcome of it.

This week I further developed my project my focusing on the following sections: Products and services and Market planing. under these sections i had to look into SWOT analysis,competition, location ,budgets, expenses e.t.c. Thankfully I had the business plan template from score as a guide to help me with it . The feedback I received from my tutor was mainly focused on my word choice and punctuation.In addition, In my SWOT analysis (strength,weaknesses,Opportunities and threats) the threat section deletead so i decided the change the format of the section and redo everything again.
This word choice i had used were either too vague or not properly used and i was able to replaces them with direct words that relayed specific meaning.To view my updated project for this week, click here 

I developed my other areas based on the previous feed back i received .while i started the operation plan and the management & Organization section . In this section ,I discussed the production process of the goods, the staffs,the location . My tutor gave me feedback which i have corrected but i have to make sure that i watch for my punctuations in my work because it is one thing that has been a constant issue with my work.To view my updated project for this week, click here


  1. You need to ensure you have all the process of creating your Business plan - make sure you add more posts and that you add more research on business planning. You posts have not been a continuum therefore I can't see th flow of this process make sure you add all process and research and then your final steps making your portfolio on your website and your final reflection


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