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For this post i'm going to be discussing Story board and it's relevance to my work progress. The other day in class, my tutor,Zoe introduced me to a method called story board that'll help me visualised the filming shots and angles that i will use.Once i started story boarding ,i found that it is easier for me to make decisions because i will be able to predict the possible shots and angles i can do with my resources and the ability i have.


The image above is an example of a story board . the different images show different shots and angles that the different scene will be filmed which i think is very easy and effective.


I think making a story board is similar to blogging because it shows exactly how your video is going to be mapped out and what it will look like.Story board also makes it easier for people to understand the process of my work and also it will help me stay on track during the filming process because i have already mapped out what i will be doing.I think creating a story board will make it easier  to share and explain the vision for my video with others.

So i tried story boarding for my short horror film project. trust me,it's not the best drawing you'll ever see because i can't draw.i drew it in stick man figures because it was easier foe me to do so. The main focus is not the drawing specifically,it is the way i drew it in order to explain the shots and angle i think will be right for the specific scene. Like i said it is an attempt but i think i did pretty good. The story board i drew was the beginning of the short horror film where the character wakes up to go to the toilet.


  1. Good start on the storyboarding - this is really important to get the shots that you want when you are filming - looking forward to seeing this develop...


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