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For this post, i will be blogging my second week of specialist film class with Keith . For this class, we were told to search for pictures,sculptors,audio and paintings that relate to the project idea we picked and present it to the class explaining why and how they relate to the idea.Below you'll find mine.


I picked out two pictures but i presented only one to the class.
SCARY GIRL :if you click on this link , you will go to a page showing a GIF of  a girl's head dropped down with her hair covering her face. she is dressed in a white cloth and has a scary posture.The reason why i picked this picture is because i thought it is quite easy to recreate especially for my horror movie. i also thought that it was a good idea to use this as a scare for the audience.
Haunted : This was the second picture i chose.i liked the concept of the picture.As I've previously mentioned,my story line involves a character who sees things that are not actually there and this picture depicts that.


The sculpture i presented to the class looks almost identical to this image but the difference  is the background.The reason why i picked this sculpture is because it portrays my idea in the sense that it looks like a person covered in a cloth but clearly no one is inside and although it may be challenging to recreate it in that specific form in the picture ,it was something i had imagined and thought  i was going to do at the beginning of my research process. The clothes around the ghost can be changed to towels or a jacket and would look similar to this depending on how i position it.


This was the music i went with for my idea. This is because the music is unsettled and that is why i picked it.I'm going take out the part of the music i feel that is important for my film.The track is a combination of high and low pitched keys which i feel is really nice

During this lesson, i was also able find out other students ideas and their inspiration as well.This lesson helped me up my mind on what i was actually looking for that was related to my project


  1. A rally nice collection of images that start to show us the tone of your story. I'm looking forward to seeing how the idea develops.


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