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Idea Development:Continuation route

Welcome back to my blog ,

For this post,I will be introducing my potential idea for my major project.As i've mentioned multiple times in my previous post.I am going to be changing my course from Media and communication with langage to Business management and economics. I was think of writing something related to that.Then I also realized that one of my biggest struggles is time management and I decided to combine both and make an idea out of it.

The other day I was scrolling through instagram and a man was explaining how we spend most of our lives working .The purpose of this video was to point out the importance of doing what you love for a reason.He explained that if since we spend most of out time at work or just trying to earn money it is advisable to something you enjoy  while at it because you'll regret it.This inspire my idea, unfortunately i'm still looking for the video because i forgot to save it but i'll will surely post it when i find it.
My idea is as follows

  • to write about the importance of time and to humans
  • how to time is wasted 
  • how to live successfully time constructed life
  • break down the average life span of ones life and how they spend their time
  • the importance of money in this day and the influence of time
  • the similarities and differences between people of different socioeconomic status and their time usage.
All these will be backed up with  statements and information from trusted sources that have been recognised .I am yet to dig deeper into this ide by doing my research but constructive criticism is needed.

See you in my next post,


  1. Okay this is a good start however some of the things you have mentioned here would require huge studies of populations and you may be able to get the information you are after through research however I think this idea needs honing down into a more streamlined project - we will talk this through further.


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