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Collaboration:Team Work

Welcome back to my blog.

For this post i'm going to to be talking about the collaboration Project . The purpose of this project is to create something out of all members unique or common interest.

I ended up being in groups with altan and Khaqan . We immediately started thinking of ideas for our collaborative project without going through the process of getting to know each other. The first thinking process was for some one to say a word and everyone else says what they think of immediately but it didn't work out because Both Khaqan and altan weren't responding quick enough which just made everything slow.
Thankfully we were able to come up with some ideas which I believe are funny .

  • A man who travels to the moon and when he gets there her earth explodes and he has no where to go to
  • Animals extinction
  • paradise

Khaqan came up with the first two ideas but we couldn't develop them because not all of us could relate to those ideas and it was quite broad. Altan came up with an idea called paradise and started talking about what it meant to her which was quite interesting because I found out that it means something different to all of us.To altan and Khaqan it means heaven and holy and clean and to me it means money and happiness and food. Obviously it was a bit weird because we were confused on how to make a collaborative work from that but because the class was coming to and we decided to make a group chat on whats app and discuss it further.

Getting to know each other
so as a team we found it hard to come up with an idea that we could all relate to and then we realized that we skipped the main step of this project which was getting to know each other.There we use millanote to create a board were we asked questions about ourselves to know our similarities.
So from this we were able to get an idea from all this which is social media.I know it is cliche but as you can see the two things we have in common is our pet peeves-which is not that similar- and social media.We are going to take pictures of various ways social contributes to our lives negatively and make it into a photo album ,it will be able to show how different we are and how the same things affect us differently.

During and after this brainstorming stage,I was trying to look for collaborative work that was really creative and inspiring .
Tacco bell and Dorritos
First of all ,this looks really amazing and fresh .it was my love at first sight. Anyways....this is a really good example of artistic collaboration in my opinion because they combine their products and their different platforms to promote and sell this to their various target audience. According to Hub spot this product sold over 1 billion units in the first year of release.
This collaboration has assured me that my current group consisting of Altan ,Khaqan and myself can create something different no mater how similar we are in certain areas.



  1. Good first post on initial collaboration ideas looking forward to seeing these develop


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