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Specialist Class 1:Reflective Writing

Welcome back to my post,
For this post I will talking about my specialist class which was on reflective writing.

During this lesson, I was reminded of my first module at dmu which was Introduction to Dmu were we gave a final presentation about our experiences at dmu by describing our experiences  ,Reflecting on the negatives and positives,identifying what could have been better and applying them to our future actions.This process was majorly influenced by Gibbs' Reflective Cycle  developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 to give structure to learning from experiences.  
Gibbs' Reflective Cycle

'Reflection is the pracitice that facilitates the exploration ,examination and understanding of what we are feeling thinking and learning'

In my specialist class, I was made to understand from the extract handed out that reflection is an Ongoing process.According to the diagram , In order to reflect firstly you have to Describe the experience by asking yourself questions such as what happened?, what were your expectations?, who was there?.This is because in order for one to be able to reflect and learn from their experiences there has to be an initial situation or encounter.Moving on from this comes the Exploration of feelings stage. In this stage you will be trying to understand and analyse your emotions by asking yourself questions such as what were you feeling during that situation?, how do you think people feel during that situation? .This is because whatever emotions you have during that particular encounter may affect your reaction and how you handle the situation and also because it will impact on what you need to reflect on.Next, Evaluate the positive and negative aspect of the situation by asking questions like What was good and bad about the experience?, What went well?,What didn’t go so well?.This stage is very important as it not only recognises the bad but also the good.In my opinion this ia a very encouraging stage as it allows for self-development as well as improvement in need areas.

Analyse Analysing the situation is basically trying to understand what has happened by deriving a meaning .This is really important because all the other stages  talk about the details of the situation but this stage entails your personal understanding of the situation and what you can make of it.This can be aided by asking yourself question like Why did/didn't things go well?,What sense can I make of the situation?. Conclusion is the stage where you have to ask yourself what have you learnt from this and what could have been better? .This is because you have to get as much knowledge from your previous experience before you move on to the action plan where you have to gain new experiences.In the action plan you have plan what you will do differently to get better results.You will have to ask questions such as How will I develop the required skills I need? and
How can I make sure that I can act differently next time?. This will be very helpful in what ever decision you decide to make in the future.All this stages constitute to a successful reflective process.

Reviewing someone's Blog

In class ,we were tasked to pick a partner and check out their blogs and leave an honest review.My partner was anna and these are some of the comments we left on each others page.
 my comment 
Anna's comment


THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH(2019) Gibbs' reflective cycle [Online] . Available from: web address [18/07/2019].

Gibbs G (1988). Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford.


  1. Good work on discussing your specialist class in detail and showing that you have understood and learn this process - well done


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