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In my other course, we were thought that there are four stages of learning researched by David Kolb so for this post I will be evaluating what I have learnt in this module through these stages.


  • Digital Arts Blog: At the beginning of this course I was aware of the purpose of showing processes on our digital art blog. However, I saw the true importance of this blog during the process of building my major projects.for example when I forget certain techniques and  I check my previous post. This blog thought me the importance of details and comprehension. you won't be able to properly blog or even succeed if you don't understand what you're doing. 
  • Food Blog: This was the main aspect of my major project and I started it late because i was too scared to start. I made myself believe that it was soo difficult so it almost became normal to procrastinate. This is very ironic for me because I love food. This was a lovely experience. I realized digital blogging and food blogging are significantly different. also, I realized the importance of camera angle, light, timing in photography and I got to use various software like photoshop, video pad video editor, VSDC screen recorder and many more.
  • website: The creation of this website was a slow one. This is because the website couldn't be complete without the food blog being updated and the food blog creation was delayed. When it came to creativity on the website it was quite difficult because I was so focused on trying to be unique and creative that my website became unnecessarily complex. Towards the end when it became too hard or me to move forward I realised how simple it could have been and I made changes to simplify my blog.

Literally, the first week of this module I was introduced to a digital software to explore for a blog post. This was shocking and overwhelming at the same time because for my project, I needed about 2-3 software because I had to cook and edit the videos. I had a lot of issues with but I overcame them through watch tutorial. Also, the module thought me how to blog. That makes it sound easy but the ability to effectively give detailed explanations through blogging came with the difficulty of knowing the technical codes and functions of what I was doing.

through this module, I was able to acknowledge the importance of consistency. Before this module,i would say I was not as dedicated and consistent in my work. When it came to updating my post and rounding up my major project I was behind because I didn't post as often .my point is this course not only influences me academically, I will also apply some lesson learned into my daily life. Another lesson i got from this module is turning your passion into creativity. if you don't lke it ,don't do it.
This is something I will carry with me because right from the beginning of my blog I started my love for food and I am happy I was opportune to base my major project on it. In this module, I was totally open to criticism. This is because with constructive criticism comes better result and I believe I was able to achieve that.

Action plan
I plan to use all the experiences I learned from this module in the future. I will try to apply it to my other courses and hopefully, it'll be beneficial. I will continue to blog and remain consistent especially in my food blog. I will also continue to post cooking videos on youtube because I really love doing that.

To conclude, this was more than just a module for me. I appreciate my classmates, my helpers and my tutor, Zoe. I hope to continue my academic route learning more and improving as I go.


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